Baby Dogs

Chops (aka Mr. Baby)

First Week

Chops isn't really a baby anymore, but he's still our baby and we are still so glad we decided to get him. We got Chops in Jan. 2010 from Whispering Winds Kennel in Bagley, MN.

We hoped he'd be a bird dog extraordinaire, but later (after a lot of vet visits and $) found out he was bred with a genetic problem called PFK (Phosphofructokinase disorder.) This pretty much means that his body is missing the enzyme to metabolize lactic acid (?I think) which causes his red blood cells to burst and filter into his urine making him pee blood. It makes him lethargic and have muscle cramps. Not to mention he won't eat or drink. It's just lovely (note sarcasm). Long story short: no bird hunting. 
We love him anyway. He is a wonderfully trained bird dog who can't use his talents but is a fabulous companion and dog brother. His favorite things birds, rabbits, peanut butter kong's, his dada, getting up on the bed to say goodnight and good morning, and getting attention from all the people that walk by our house.

Swimming Chops
Crazy Chops

Turk (aka Turkey Dog)

baby turk
all legs

sweet little face
 We purchased Turk in January 2012. After constant suggestion from Eric about getting another dog, I knew I would not stop hearing about it, especially around hunting season. We figured it was a good time to go for it since Chops was still young and friendly with other dogs and we could train Turk in pheasant country. It just so happened someone walking by our house to visit Chops knew someone having  a litter. Once we went to see the pups with no intention of buying, our mind was quickly changed and Turk became a member of the little fam.

He could not be more unlike Chops! People say Springers are fast, high energy dogs, but didn't realize how fast or high energy until Turk got here. He is a speed demon, terrorizer, springing psycho. At 5 mos. he is as almost as large as Chops is at 2 years and has been a lot faster for a while. I am pretty sure they have a love/hate relationship but it's working out well. We are excited for what pheasant season brings.
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