Friday, May 21, 2010

Hundreds and Hundreds and Hundreds of Beeeans!

Imagine hearing the title of this blog post over and over in a high pitched voice for a whole entire day while planting your garden. If you hadn't guessed it, Eric is really excited about his green beans. We got the garden planted on Sunday (5/16) and it is doing well. We already have radish sprouts. spinach, onions, potatoes, cilantro, lettuce, and one baby green tomato. We still have some plants to add, but are waiting just in case it snows in June like last year. Here is what we have planted (what I can remember without consulting the map):

dill, cilantro, red tip radishes, watermelon radishes, blue, yellow, and red potatoes, peas, yellow and white onions, baby spinach and big spinach, butter and baby romaine lettuce, buttercup squash, orange, purple, and kaliedescope carrots, two rows green beans, red, white, and peaches and cream sweet corn, and nine blooming tomato plants consisting of five total varieties.

As I have said in many previous posts. WE ARE GOING OVERBOARD. We are well aware of this, but I would rather create a hobby than be bored with nothing to do. So, if you want some veggies, please come and visit. The best time to come will probably be mid/late July-early/mid August. You will miss the radishes and possibly zuchini, but everything else should be available. If you can't make it then we will send you some pepper jelly, dilly beans, and salsa.

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