Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Disk

After months of cooking in the garage this past summer and fall, never did I think we would continue the trend into the bitterly cold winter. Our newest cooking tool, courtesy of Eric's dad Toby is "The Disk." It's actually two disker disk's (as in farm equipment) welded closed. So this:

becomes a wok/lid combo after welding and sandblasting. You cook with it on top of a propane turkey frying burner and it is AWESOME. As you cook, the disk becomes seasoned just like a cast iron pan and helps to flavor the food. The favorite things we've made are chicken wings, fajitas, chicken butts (jalapeno, cream cheese, bacon, chicken roll up things), and Toby even makes pancakes on it for breakfast which we got to try when Eric's family was here over Thanksgiving. Eric, with some good teaching, is becoming a disk expert and it's nice to have someone else cook dinner sometimes. Here are some action shots.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is probably one of the most creative things I've seen to date! "Waste not, want not!!


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