Friday, June 17, 2011

Life Update Since Last Post

It is now the time of year in ND when you can be outside for extended periods of time without getting frostbite. Guess where we've been? Definetely not inside writing blog posts (oops). I need to get back to regular posting. We are just taking advantage of the motivation we have while we have it. In no particular order here's what's been happening

1. Planting flower beds and garden

2. Transplanting lilac in front of house and making new flower bed

3. Lots of rummage sales (yes, I used to call them garage sales, but I have switched to my new regional lingo)

4. Installing hardwood floors in the living room

5. Painting and putting up door trim, baseboard, and crown (still in progress)

6. Painting the exterior doors red (and failing miserably with oil based paint) multiple times....redoing them this weekend. Stay tuned....

7. Getting rid of old appliances with online classifieds (WOOHOO)

8. Running an impromptu plant business from the greenhouse when people pull over asking to take pictures (of the greenhouse, water barrel, etc.) and buy plants.

9. Doing some side projects for friends like trim work and closet organizers (I am working as eric's assistant). Getting pretty good at sanding, routing, and using the jig saw).
***Why are we taking on side projects when we have a giant list of our own, one of which is washer and dryer? I don't know, ask Eric and then tell me what he says.

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