Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Live In by Thanksgivin'

Work continues on the house and we have a newly created motto for out move in date. I made it up and when I told Eric he said "did your dad come up with that?" Sounds like it though doesn't it. We have lots of pictures so please look at my facebook and check them out. It takes too long to put them on here. Eric's parents and grandparents came up for a week to help us. I took some pictures of the interior before we ripped it all out. We are finishing up wiring in the bedroom and are beginning to insulate. The dumpster is almost all full. We just have to throw in some of the ugly green bushes we are planning on ripping out and it should do it. Also, make sure to check out the only piece of insulation we have found in our house so far on the facebook album. It was around the window air conditioner.
While we had visitors we drove down the enchanted highway and looked at the largest metal sculptures...in the world? in North Dakota? I have no idea. They are the largest metal sculptures in some geographical location though. We stopped in a very tiny town called Regent and visited the giftshop for the sculptures, had lunch, and drove back. Not a lot to do here beginning of September if you haven't figured that out yet. We had a good time and drove through a town 20 miles from Dickinson called New England that is known for its pheasants. Since the season is soon approaching there are roosters everywhere. For some of those individuals without perfect eyesight it was difficult to see the birds. We solved this problem by having Eric get out and run in the ditch. Then we saw about 50 or so birds fly at once! I tried to get some pictures and snapped about 40 pictures of blank sky. I will try again soon.
I thought about a good way to get a rooster shot for the blog and then saw a dead one on the side of the road "to town" yesterday, but decided that wasn't a good example. It is cooling off here too. In the mornings it is in the 30's and no snow yet. Work is still going good and Eric is leaving this weekend for a class in CO for his series 7 test. He will be gone a week and takes the test in October. Send some good vibes his way if you can. He has been studying a ton!
In addition to the enchanted highway we went up to lake SA-COCK-A-WEA and were able to go out on the boat. The weather sure cooperated and the water was nice too. Eric got in on the wakeboard and his dad skiied. Then, his Grandpa (who is 80) decided to try the skis and managed to get up on them. I took some videos and pictures on the camera. Check it all out and keep checking back. The giant tower by where I am living had a messed up internet signal and my internet from the basement (on my computer didn't work). BUT THEY FIXED IT TODAY! I am excited because now I can update more and easily post some pictures. Hope ya'll are doing good. p.s. my basil plants got gigantic and I made three batches of pesto!

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