Monday, October 19, 2009

Saving Energy and Saving Lives

Here is the latest house update. This weekend we put in our new windows! I never thought I would be excited about windows, but they look great! Our old ones leaked cold air and were awful, besides being cute and antique. Anyway, the new ones are energy star rated and Obama is apparently awarding people for that, so we have that going for us which is nice. My job was to hold the windows on the outside of the house while Eric leveled and attached them. Then I got to tape them with flashing, a new wonderful extra sticky tape to protect water from leaking in. I was a little nervous since we started out unsure of what we were doing, but it was a piece of cake and not stressful at all.

On another note, on one of our runs to ace hardware we were driving through an intersection in town and happened to see a toddler in his pajamas walking down a busy street. After running from house to house and asking clueless neighbors about where this child lived we finally found his mother. While I was trying to keep my hand from punching her in the face I told her that we found her son wandering through a busy intersection. You would think she might be..thankful? hysterical? some type of emotion?...but no she said "yeah he can open our back door and get out...Michael you can't do that." WHAAT! Have you ever heard of child locks, or watching your child, or a door alarm, or parenting classes? As I have said before (jokingly of course, but it might be a valid thought?) I think people should have to fill out an application and be approved before they have children. Anyway, we pretty much prevented a disaster for a mother who could have cared less. I learn new things about parenting everyday, not only at work but just on a random chance driving through town...mostly how not to parent.

Eric also went pheasant hunting with Ted on Sunday. He got some great pictures of Jack on point. His comment was "if you poked jack with a red hot poker he wouldn't release." Pretty amazing. if Eric ever finds his camera cord I will put the pictures up. Meanwhile enjoy the beauty that is Minnkota Double Hung Colonials!

1 comment:

  1. C.P.S. - call CPS next time. Then they can make sure that everything in the house is OK and keep "watch" over the family for a little while.


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