Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hi Everyone.
We finally have internet hooked up and working at the new place, so blogging can now be a more frequent occurrence. We have a lot going on as usual. I am sitting here typing this with a blizzard warning and blowing snow outside while Eric is getting ready to hop in the car and go to Bismarck to get a flight. Oh the coincidence of winter travel in North Dakota. Our house continues to get more and more finished by the day. Pictures may have to wait though until we find a place to organize all of our stuff. It is always amazing how you accumulate without even realizing. Our biggest news is the new puppy CHOPS! For those of you familiar with the facial hair trend, check out the markings near his mouth. We have had him a week and he is full of energy. We drove to Minnesota last weekend and had some sleepless nights, but now he is getting up only 1-2 times a night, spends a lot of time in his kennel sleeping in the day, and loves his pheasant stuffed animal. He can already sit too. Check him out and stay updated because I will be posting much more often.

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