Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here is a new variety of frost I don't remember seeing until moving to ND. Apparently the water vapor in the air cools so fast that it forms directly into spiky ice crytals that stick to everything. Last week everything in the town was covered in this stuff and I was sad to see it go. It looked like someone had sprayed rice onto everything and I almost got into an accident while driving to work because I was checking out a group of little trees completely white and spiky. Apparently Hoarfrost was the big story that day because in our town it made the front page of the newspaper. Not that I wasn't aware of the fact before now, but when the front page story is about frost in January, there must not be a lot going on. Another fun happening around here is that my nine week old puppy has already begun humping things. I have caught him humping his pheasant stuffed animal twice. Is this normal? Nine weeks....sure there will be tons of fun around the corner.


  1. is hoarfrost pronounced whore frost? Like Neighb whore? because if it is, you know I love it.

  2. Why do they call it "hoar" frost? Hmmm, interesting. Will have to look that up.


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