Sunday, February 28, 2010

Garden Plans

As is usual, our Saturday activity consisted of trips to Ace Hardware for house "parts" and Walmart for groceries. We have been cooking a lot as there is limited activity options in southwestern North Dakota in February. Recent food success includes stuffed peppers, banana oatmeal cookies, and home made ravioli. Julia Child's beef bourginon on Valentines was good too, but we thought not worth the effort it took to make. Sorry Julia. We have big plans for this week and are planning to make CPK thai chicken pizza, and Tyler Florence's ultimate bacon mac and cheese with vermont white cheddar. I was really wanting some chocolate chip cookies so I attempted that feat last night. Please see included picture. These were the WORST cookies I have ever made. I followed the recipe on the chocolate chip bag and it may result in me writing a letter to Hershey. I am not happy about it at all and am still searching for a good recipe. I ended up throwing away the cookie dough after baking three trays with no success.

In other news, out Walmart/Ace entertainment resulted in us buying forty packets of seeds, yes 40! Also, keep in mind that these seed packets do not include the potatoes or onions we will plant, but do include the flowers. We may have gotten carried away, but have good intentions for our garden. It seems weird to be starting seeds when there is three feet of snow drift in our yard, but it is 10 weeks or so before mid may and it says it's time so I am listenting to the Livingston seed company and beginning the garden now. I used to get upset when I went to stores and they had seasonal merchandise out way to early, but after yesterday I understand that it may be because people in this part of the country need to be reminded the end of winter IS going to happen and spring is coming soon, so buy some seeds. It really did put me in a good mood to think "the melt" is just around the corner. When we first moved here in June people would always ask "Why did you move to North Dakota?" and we would tell them all the great things we loved (and still do) like the gardens, the people, fishing, etc. We listed things that all happened in warm months and were confused as to why we kept getting asked. We understand the question now that it is frigid, and people are choosing to watch NASCAR races over the Olympics (no offense NASCAR fans).
At a recent dinner to the new pizza/bar restaurant we asked the waiter "do you think Ohno will win again?" as he was standing under a big screen tv showing speed skating. I wish I could have taken a picture of his face because he looked at us like we were from another planet. Of course we referenced the giant tv right above him, but it made no difference since he did not know what we were talking about or who Ohno was. On that note we ate our pizza and did not ask him anything else. Luckily we were bailed out when a group of people walked up and asked us about short track speed skating. They bought us a drink and we chatted about their last season's safflower crop. Needless to say we have been a little addicted to the Olympics and have been parked on the couch the last few weeks. That is all going to change tonight after the closing cerenonies when we will head back to the gym regularly.
In Chops news....He is continuing to grow and outgrew his puppy collar yesterday (sad). He is a really good dog most of the time. He is becoming more energetic (see crazy dog pictures) and often we catch a photo of him looking like a psycho. Eric has him retrieving pheasant wings and Chops loves it. Eric is the favorite of course. After I take him out in the morning and feed him he sits outside the bedroom door and whines for Eric to get up and play. He is doing excellent on the leash, and is meeting some doggie friends in our neighborhood on his walks. We can't wait to get him in the open field to really see what he can do.

We hope all is well with everyone. Please keep in mind there is always an open invitation to come up to ND. We will be tearing the bathroom/kitchen out in May and you are welcome to join in. While you are here, you could help us plant those forty packets of seeds and then come back in July to eat a crap ton of veggies and watch the demolition derby.


  1. I also have some seeds from Grandma's flowers that I brought home last Oct. Want some??

  2. Indeed, we could always use more seeds!

  3. What a CUTE puppy!! Would be great to have a garden. I hope the critters stay out of it for you!


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