Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Hi Everyone,
Hope your Easter was great. Today Eric and I went to the church close by. I made potato pancakes and rhubarb cake and we dyed eggs. I won last year's egg dying festivities and we thought that this year we could let the readers decide. The pictures may clue you in to who we think the winner is. Eric decided to put his hand into the picture. I had to add in a picture of Mr. Chops when we try to keep him away from his "outside bell" in the kitchen. He has figured out how to make puppy eyes. Eric is heading to CO tomorrow with the dog for some R&R before he starts his job. Needless to say I am extremely jealous, but will be going down in May for Ty and Mere's graduation. Greenhouse is getting up to 80 and working well. Will put up some new plant pics soon.

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