Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Time to update the "bog" as grandma would say. We have been busy here in Lewis and Clark land. Little baby chops somehow managed to crack his shoulder playing with the 12 lb. neighbor dog. He is on kennel rest for 2-3 weeks and won't be able to chase all the pheasants. It's really too bad because this time of year they are not longer hiding from hunters. I guess that's what happens when your body mass largely outweighs your brain matter.
We've been doing lots of yard work and becoming more and more obsessed with plants everyday. My favorites are zinnias. Not only do I like the flower, but instant gratification of planting on Sunday and seeing sprouts by Wednesday is addictive. This is also the case with cucumbers, and close second to the zinnias. My tulips are getting ready to bloom and I have also found random tulip bulbs coming up through the weedy backyard. Will try transplanting this weekend. Our 40 or so tomato plants are the biggest and continue to thrive. As if we didn't have enough already we planted 30 more or so and hope to sell them at our planned garage sale. Who knows if that will work. The most exciting thing in plant land is another mystery perennial. I have added a picture of it and tried to research what it is. Have a guess, but want to see what you all think. Finally we got a flower bed going too. Our lovely brick edged, gravel filled rock garden just wasn't up my alley so after illegally dumping gravel into a crushing yard and adding siding and dirt we have a lovely home for the plants when the time comes. May till a garden plot soon. Also, check out the inside of our green house full of plants. It was 70 degrees outside today and 100 in the green house. Now our problem is trying to cool it down rather than heat it up.
In other news, while waiting for Wells Fargo paperwork, Eric started working at a cabinet shop and is liking it so far. My job is still fine and very busy. Not much else, will keep the bog posts coming. Happy reading.


  1. I am amazed how big your plants are!! My guess on the mystery plant would be bleeding heart or peony. Love ya!

  2. Gram's mystery plant guess is some kind of lily.

  3. If you figure out a good way to heat and cool your greenhouse,let me know! We have been battling that demon for years. We put some type of screening fabric up over ours in the summer but it still got hot as heck inside.
    Your plants look healthy nonetheless!


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