Sunday, May 2, 2010

Treasure Hunting

Hit some garage sales this weekend. Besides some little odds and ends, Eric found a Schwinn cruiser bike from the late 50's or so. It was in rough shape so we took it to the bike shop in town and when they get done working on it, it will look like the picture above from the Internet. It was a steal for $10. I found a the cute basket drawers to replace ugly plastic drawers. For $7 bucks all I had to do was wipe them off and fill them up. The girl who sold them to me said she paid $40 for them. She also told me she lives two streets away from us and after she figured out where we live, she said she loves our house and has wanted to come look inside forever. Maybe we will have finally found a way to make friends here, have house tours. I also picked up a cookbook among other odds and ends. Some of the pickle and salsa canning recipes look good, but I will not be making "orange jello delight." Not only is it a jello mold, but it calls for grated cheddar cheese to go on top of the orange, lemon, pineapple flavored jello. Yes, that cookbook is full of ND culinary wonders.
In garden news: The inevitable has happened...I KILLED A TOMATO PLANT! Yes, it's true, while trying to put them it the cold frame, I dropped a plant and it landed upside down and broke the stalk. It is officially the first plant to die by my hand this season. But, all things considered I don't feel that bad for a few reasons. Normally, killing my green babies would be devastating, but I have forty or so tomatoes and it didn't die because of too little or too much love on my part. It was pure accidental death of a healthy plant, so better than my other plant deaths by far. Weather wise, It has been in the 30's with flurries this weekend. Our tilling was put on hold so Eric will be in charge of getting the garden plot squared away while I am in CO for Ty and Mere's graduation. When I get back we will put in radishes, peas, potatoes, onions, and I think beets. Can't wait. My columbines are still alive and I am covering them at night just to make sure they don't freeze. Thinking of putting in lupines too and seeing what happens. AND IN THE BEST GARDEN NEWS OF ALL: Tulips are blooming! Check out our yellow one. It bloomed on the 27th and now we have more yellow and two pink. This is the first time I can remember actually achieving blooms for any flower. Usually I screw them up or kill them before they can bloom. I know tulips are pretty fool proof especially when I didn't plant them or do anything to them to get them to bloom, but I feel that the flowers are an accomplishment anyway.

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