Monday, April 26, 2010


I finally got plants in the ground and a day later the weather is in the 30's. Can't seem to win up here. I have covered the columbine's the last two nights and they seem OK. On another note...As an amateur gardener I thought to start all my flowers early so I can have blooms soon after the stuff goes in the ground. What I did not realize is that sweet pea flowers were a vine. I guess having "pea" in the title should have tipped me off, but it didn't and I soon had six inch tall sweet pea vines with tendrils attaching to each other. To avoid an even bigger mess I untangled them and rigged up some sticks tied with string tied to a flower box so they have some kind of organized system to grow on. It has only taken two days and they've started to climb on the string but still are climbing each other. My main concern now is 1. should I have started them later so I could rig this contraption up in the ground, and 2. How am I supposed to transplant them. I think if I cut the string they will still be all tangled with each other. Suggestions? I am working on getting some interior house pictures up soon. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe sweet peas don't need to be started early. Can you take the whole flower box contents (as one piece) and plant that into a trench??


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