Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sold! ...to number 53

Well, we've found another country hobby. Auctions! We recently went to our first auction in Dickinson. The way it works here is that there really aren't a lot of antique stores and antiques don't really show up at garage sales that often. I recently discovered that everyone goes to auctions and gets the stuff the same way an antique shop would. I am not sure why it took us so long to start this. I knew about auctions but only now decided to start attending. I guess it's not like we need another hobby that involves buying things.

Anyway, you have to check out the auctions up here. They list them in the paper each week and the ones to go to are usually ones where old people...ya know. You just don't find treasures at farm and shop auctions, just machinery and farm supplies. This particular one had the items listed in the paper with pictures on the website. Surprisingly pretty high tech around here as not many places in Dickinson are on the net. I spotted the pretty little number pictured and decided that we were going and I was leaving with the red wing number 10. Now before you ask how much, take a minute to google "red wing crock number ten 1915." When I did, as soon as I got home, I saw listings for upwards of 200 smackeroos. I felt that my "win" at 65 bucks was a steal.

I was on quite a high when I then tried to jack up the price on a set of retro pyrex mixing bowls and mistakenly bought them for too much. You live and learn I guess. I am refusing to picture the bowls as it still kind of stings a little. Eric didn't think I would bid when he said to, but I did and we both regret it. At least I sold on of the bowls to the guy I outbid. He had them all and was only trying to get his missing bowl.
In conclusion, we will be frequenting auctions regularly and will only be bidding on things we really want. You don't mess around. There are some serious attendees at these things. It's our new hobby, but I think that it is some people's only hobby and they are pros.

1 comment:

  1. The red wing reminds me of the wing in Castaway....did he return the UPS package to a ranch in ND?


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