Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chops Update

Last Sunday we took Chops out to the field for a while and he seemed to be doing fine. Towards the end he had vomited and had diarrhea. By the time got home he thrown up again and Eric noticed he was peeing blood. After an emergency call to the vet we took him in after hours and he stayed from Sunday night to Wednesday lunchtime. The vet still isn't quite sure what was wrong since his symptoms didn't fit  any specific thing. She thinks it may have been muscle breakdown due to over exertion, but he also showed signs of infection and poisoning. After lots of blood work, worry, and medication, Chops came back home on Wednesday and had a follow up appointment today (Saturday). He is getting better, but isn't quite there yet. He can't exercise for a while, but Eric was so glad to have him back he went and bought him a new hoof, beef knuckle, and skid plate.

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