Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Now that we know Chops can safely hunt and is doing a great job he needs all the practice he can get according to Eric. This is why we went three times last weekend. I may set a once a day limit if this continues. On trip three we got some live partridge to work on fetching live birds since Chops had no idea how to retrieve his pheasant. He did pretty good finding the birds in the field and retrieved them with a soft bite. Luckily no live birds were harmed in this process. That was not the original plan with the training but two flew away, one we couldn't find in the field and I talked Eric into letting the last one go. Since we don't have a working stove or oven we didn't need a partridge in the freezer no matter how good of eating they are. So there you have it, hunting progress and no animal cruelty. A successful Sunday afternoon.

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