Thursday, October 21, 2010


for a while it is looks like this where I live

 but soon...

It will look like this. It will look like this for a long long time.

Except, it doesn't yet. We have recently had some awesome fall weather and things have been pretty good. Maybe it's the kitchen/remodel being almost complete, or the holiday decorating, or the excitement about having hobbies again and being able to go to the gym regularly that have me in a good mood. Whatever it is, I thought I should probably document the things I like about where I live before the frigid, freeze your spit, -40 below before wind chill makes me forget them. Let's hope this list doesn't take a negative turn mid-blog (it's likely while thinking of what's ahead.)


1.Livestock Auction Eve - falling asleep to a symphony of mooing cows is actually quite peaceful if you don't think about where they will be heading (feedlots) in the morning.

2. Knoephla Soup - you can't go wrong with cream and dumplings in one recipe. If I didn't move here I would have never learned about this soup or how to make it.

3. Yard/Garden - I was fortunate to buy a house with a huge yard in an area where growing things is a piece of cake. I love my yard and garden and will miss them for the next six months.

4. The Mall-yeah, this sounds crazy but shopping at only a few stores with reasonable prices with things I like is so much simpler. This does not mean I prefer the Dickinson Mall over others, but I like it so it makes the list.

5. Pheasants-I know it's just a bird...but they are gorgeous and I love when I see one. It honestly makes me sad they are hunted really.

6. Steak- I miss the seafood. I would choose the seafood if possible. I want scallops very very much. That being said, living in an area with Angus beef ranches, good steak is more obtainable. I never liked steak before living here. Never ate a steak by myself. It was always chewy and too much work. I stand corrected. Good steak is GOOOOOD.

I almost made it to ten (if you round up). I think six is good for now. Maybe I can add some things later if I find any like-able things this winter.

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