Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We are getting another springer spaniel! Eric has accepted that Chops will not be able to hunt. He is retired. This began the conversation about how much Eric has always wanted a hunting dog and why we needed another one. He also made the point of how great it would be for both dogs because Chops will help teach and entertain the puppy while having a companion besides Eric.

Coincidentally, a couple walking their springer by our house stopped to chat (about springers) and mentioned they know someone in town that is having a litter. Eric mentioned he might be interested, although I was firmly a NO. They left a message in our mailbox a few weeks later letting us know the new babies had arrived. This began the conversation about really getting a second dog.

We considered adopting a shelter dog but around here many of them are pit bulls or abused or gun shy. There really aren't a lot of options. We didn't want to travel to get a dog, and it was 300 bucks for springer spaniel rescue. We decided to go look at the puppies. As I knew it would be, that was a mistake. Once I saw them I was constantly thinking about them. I wasn't sure yet even though Eric was 100% positive we needed one. After a week we put down a deposit.

After Christmas we get to go pick up this little baby boy.

we are thinking of names and are open to suggestions.


  1. Hooray- I amde it it! it took me aawhile but fianlly just clicked! physically clicked and mantally just click on my cousin's website. very cute and enjoyed seeing it. impressive life you are living. adjusting to all that is different and I was really impressed with you cute decor, soups, house everything. thx for sharing. Maybe I'll get with the program and make a georgia blog. Hugs val!

  2. sorry for many typos. should have preveiews. I am intelligent!!

  3. p.s. I am all about two dogs. helps keep each other company and extends their life. congrats! how about Hunter? Pork? stix? just being funny but actually like hunter or batman with his patched eyes.

  4. yay! glad you made it stace! come back soon and often.


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