Monday, January 2, 2012

Hot Legs

We found this old picture of chops on our dresser today.

We had a few but this one shows how big Chops is in comparison to the food bowl. Check out the tiny little legs. In this picture Chops was 8 weeks old, the day we brought him home.

This is Turk, the same exact age next to the same exact bowl. Notice he is chowing down while Chops is distracted by the camera and looking right at it. I can't get Turk to look at the camera for the life of me.

I know it isn't the best picture, but seriously, check out this guys legs! He is way taller than Chops at the same age. We think he's going to be a brute. I can remember riding home with Chops in the car and he fit right on my lap perfectly. Turk is way longer. He is basically the size of my torso. He falls asleep with his head in the crook of my neck and his back paws reach all the way to my hips.

1 comment:

  1. Turk is soooo cute! Makes me want a dog...(I miss my kitty. Pets are such fun!)


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