Sunday, January 1, 2012

Baby Turkey Comes Home.

After my emotional breakdown between Spearfish and Bowman (it was really hard coming home this time). We finally made it back to the middle of nowhere and the house did feel like home. I think I struggle the most when I drive around the area (especially in the dark) and realize how secluded we really are up here. It's hard driving miles and miles with nothing in sight. There were a few tears. However, we got up the next day and picked up this little one.

If you can believe it, his brother was even cuter than he was. We were a little sad we didn't choose Gus, the other dog. This puppy has been work, as puppies are. I remembered what we were in for but Eric seems to have forgotten the details of what it was like when we got Chops. He was ready to take him back after the first hour. There are some big differences though. This pup eats and drinks way better than Chops ever did, he has way more energy, and has an amazing nose. I swear he walked into the house and started trying to open the food bin in the kitchen. He also seems to be a natural retriever, which we had to teach Chops.

Chops is adjusting well. He was a little unsure at first but is now trying to play with Turk and gives him licks. We are trying to get them to snuggle each other, because Turk constantly wants to be held and snuggled. As I write this Turk is sitting  in my lap with his head resting on my arm.  All things considered Chops is doing very well andTurk is attached to his Momma because Chops copes better that way.  Here's the best shot we've gotten of the two of them so far. We hope they get better as Chops becomes more loving and tolerant of the newbie.

We went to bed late last night, but Turk slept 5 hours before waking up. It was great! More to come.

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