Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Snuggles Have Started

Mr. Chops and Baby Turk have finally started to snuggle. I wasn't sure if it was ever going to happen. It seemed like all they liked to do is wrestle with each other. Well, yesterday we let them play FOREVER!  I wanted to see if I could tire Turk out so he would just lay down and relax, something that rarely happens. It took from 9am till about 5ish with no nap and constant playing until I looked over to the dog bed and without staging it at all saw this:

No joke! They were laying there just like this and I grabbed my camera as fast as possible. They stayed like this for a long time. That, of course, prompted another dog photo shoot. Eric and I just stood there and watched them snuggle. It is probably more adorable to us than anyone else, but I have to share it. Oh and did you notice Chops' fancy hair cut?

Here are some other shots from the photo shoot
this picture doesn't really capture it, but we recently noticed that on the white side of Turk's face he grows white whiskers and on the black side he grows black ones. Is that not adorable?

The babies....we are people who love our pets way too much. Are you sick of it yet?

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