Monday, September 3, 2012

The Knitting Bug.

At the request of my mother via facebook, probably the only person who reads this blog, I am trying to get back to the blog and post some things. Recently I guess I haven't felt inspired. With 100+ degree heat, dead flowers, and a failing garden I think my attempts and being Martha (Stewart) have become supressed. Then I discovered Ravelry.

The best way to explain it is like Pinterest for knitters. Not that I identify myself as a "knitter" because I am not that good at it, but it is more portable than sewing, can be done in front of the tv and in the car, and seems to yield faster results than a quilt. Maybe I need to start sewing some garments and then sewing would yield quick results too.

So with this new discovery of Ravelry and a strip mall with joanns, hobby lobby, and hancock fabric 100 miles away, I stocked up on some sale yarns and got to knitting. In the past I 've done hats and scarves. I don't wear scarves or hats, I think because I don't like any that I've knitted. I have knit three hats in the last three weeks. I plan to make a "cowl" next which is scarf like but not quite, and my long term knitting goals are mittens and socks.

 Some of this yarn is from WalMart. It looks excessive I know (mom) but when you have to go 100 miles for supplies you tend to feel the need to stock up.
 The two bottom hats are slouchy beanies and  the above is a basic hat. I had to make a slouchy beanie for Eric when he saw mine (his is the white one). He wants to look like this when wearing it.
So far he has only tried the hat on once though. Not sure he's sold on the slouch hat quite yet. I sure am though...

I also knit up a basic hat just to use up some yarn and practice hat sizing. This one turned out suprisingly well. I got this particular yarn for my sister on her birthday or christmas and she didn't like it so she gave it back. Like it now Mere?

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