Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Agua Baby!

 Today the plumber came to hook up our sink and dishwasher. I can't believe I used to complain about washing dishes in a sink. It is seriously a piece of cake compared to what I've had to do lately. Read more about that here. Today marks the first time since last December that I can wash dishes in a dishwasher and the first time since last May that I can wash them in a sink!
 Here's Eric putting the finishing touches on the dishwasher by attaching the electrical wire. Since we have had our new kitchen space Chops has found many places to sleep. He has a new habit of following you around and laying down to sleep wherever we might be working. Being 10 feet away from us is just too far I guess. Here he is helping Eric wire the dishwasher. He tries to get as close as possible to whatever work space you need.
Very excited about the new plumbing up here. This means that I can actually use dishes to cook food. Just in time for Thanksgiving!

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