Sunday, May 15, 2011

Water Barrel

Last year we had a few good rain storms. By this I mean CRAZY water accumulation. Instead of staying indoors or running to the basement when the tornado sirens went off guess where we were? Yep, outside in the rain filling up buckets with water from our downspouts and pouring them into a garbage can. Hence, our decision to get a rain barrel. My plan was to set a few cute camouflaged barrels at the end of down spouts.

Eric had a different plan. He asked a friend of ours to borrow her giant (maybe 250 gallon or more) tank for the summer since she wasn't using it. So as of last weekend here is our eyesore rain barrel.

I must admit I was anti-giant tank when it arrived at our house, but over the last week it has grown on me a little bit. Unfortunately we missed the first heavy rain because we had to order some gutter parts from the hardware store, but they came in and we are all set up. Now we just need some rain
(hopefully on a weekday) and we will be set to water the HUGE garden area we tilled (more on that soon). Thinking of painting the platform white too.

1 comment:

  1. It looks good. It's at the back of the house and is very ecologically friendly. You guys are quite the 'greenies'


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