Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beginning the Kitchen


sturdy floor
 I guess demolition was really the start of the kitchen, but I somehow don't count demo, not sure why, but it just doesn't feel like progress, it feels like mess and dust, and noise. Anyway. After the demo our next step was the floor. We (Eric) began to tear up the hardwood floor after the bathroom was gone and found (as we suspected from what we could see from the basement and feel from the sinking floor) that the floor boards were rotted. Not only that, but that a plumber who originally plumbed the bathroom had cut through three or four consecutive floor joists to run plumbing. Apparently, being able to shower and use the toilet takes priority over not falling through the floor from your main level into your basement. It is honestly a miracle that our thousand pound cast iron tub didn't crash through.

When Eric ripped up the rotted boards he hit the floor joists ONCE with hammer and they fell down tothe basement. He took out the between joist supports by pulling on them with his own to hands. Lesson: do not cut through your floor joists. Anyway we (Eric) spent the weekend framing and installing a new floor support and subfloor. Now that we have things patched up and sturdy, we can lay the sub floor for the entire kitchen and begin electrical meaning....(drumroll) OUR KITCHEN FLOORPLAN IS FINALIZED. Yeah, that doesn't sound so exciting, but believe me, it has taken a lot to get there. Next is electrical then, framing the ceiling and new wall, and then drywall.

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