Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Martha...

The other day someone called me Martha Stewart as a compliment and I laughed.....

I didnt' mean to be rude by laughing, so I then had to correct my rudeness and explain an inside joke, which is never as hilarious as it is to the people on the "inside."

You know that scene in Romi and Michelle's High School Reunion where they argue about who is "the Mary" and who is "the Rhoda?" At some point during one of the arguments with my sister I called myself "the Martha," referring to how crafty and Martha Stewart like I was and how she was not. The little kid me thought that was an ultimate insult. I don't remember the exact fight, or how old we were. or what the specific issue was.  What I do remember though is that when the whole thing started I was old enough to be making "crafty things" and she was not into full blown "Martha" potential. Little did I know what I had started.

Ever since that time, whenever either one of us cooks something, or makes something for a gift, or picks up a new hobby, we both feel the need to let the other one know of our triumph by text, phone, or giving a homemade present and exclaiming to the other in a snide, but loving remark "I'm the Martha." It has turned into a fun little competition of bragging rights until the other person makes a martha comeback.
The competition is between Meredith and I, but I believe my mother has claimed to be "the Martha," my dad has lableled who is "the Martha" depending on how much he likes the Martha-esque item in question. I believe at times my brother has even been labeled "the Martha" when he came home to make pizza for my parents.

"The Martha" is a big thing for Mere and I. It's why I shop at good will and buy clothes at garage sales.  It's why I never buy anything at craft shows because I think "If they can make it I surely could figure out how". It's why I have old lady hobbies like sewing cooking, and knitting, gardening, and canning. I'm ok with it..

I have to give credit where credit is due. Really, Martha is title we use but it should probably be called "The Dorothy." My grandmother is the biggest reason why "The Martha" even exists. She taught her girls and Mere and I learned from them. Why buy it if you can figure out how to make it and save money? Here is the latest "the Martha." Here's what I got for Christmas from my sister. She literally made herself "the Martha." Now how do I one up this?


  1. 'Old Lady Hobbies?????
    Grandma wants to know if you're calling her old!!!!
    Enjoyed the post!
    Love ya,

  2. Awwwwww. I got a lump in my throat...Some of my fondest memories are baking cookies with my sister at Christmas; cross stitching projects. The "Welcome to the Casciatos" in your Mom's kitchen is one I made for her...she made one for me to announce Andy's birth. "The Dorothy" taught me to crochet among many other things...I am going to pick crocheting back up again as a stress-reliever. Sweet post, Valerie. It is so great to have a sister!!!


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